Where the other X-teams believed in protecting humans from evil mutants, X-Force adopted a proactive attitude towards mutant terrorists.

After most of the New Mutants went their separate ways, Cable reorganized the team, which originally consisted of the Cannonball, Boom-Boom, Warpath, Shatterstar, Feral, and Domino (Later revealed to actually be the shapeshifter, Copycat). X-Force was born from the team known as the New Mutants and created by the mutant known as Cable. Formerly Acolytes, Apocalypse, Arcade, Argos, Arianna Jankos, Armaggedon Man, Bantam, Baron Strucker, Blackheart, Black Tom Cassidy, Blob, Brotherhood, Code: Blue, Corben, Crule, Damocles Foundation, Dark Riders, Deadpool, Demon Bear, Doctor Weisman, Ekatarina Gryaznova, Eternals, Externals, Feral, Frau Verschlagen, Gamesmaster, Genoshan Cabinet, Gideon, Gog, Graydon Creed, Hela, Hellfire Club, Henry Gyrich, Holocaust, Horsemen of Apocalypse, Juggernaut, Locus, MaGog, Magistrates, Marcus Tsung, Martin Edwards, Martin Strong, Masque, Mimic, Mindmeld, Miss Locke, Mister Sinister, Mojo, Mutant Liberation Front, New Hellions, Niles Roman, Nimrod, Odysseus Indigo, Ozymandias, Pandemonia, Pico, Prime Sentinels, Queen of the Star Swords, Reignfire, Risque, S.H.I.E.L.D., Sabretooth, Sage, Saul, Sauron, Schlange, Sebastian Shaw, Selene, Servo-Guards, Shinar, Shinobi Shaw, Short Circuit, Skornn, Sledge, Sluggo, Spiral, Stryfe, Sword, Thornn, Tolliver, Upstarts, Valerie Cooper, Vanisher, War Machine, Weapon P.R.I.M.E., X-Force, Zero Origin and Status